Wednesday we decided to: play with shaving cream. Ellie has been begging me to get the shaving cream out again so that's what we did. Will was not a fan at all. I have worked with many kids through my previous jobs and his reaction is pretty typical for a kid his age. They are very particular about not getting their hands dirty, unless it is under their conditions.
Addy played for a little while, but she was dealing with the start of a cold and a constantly runny nose and ended up leaving the activity so she could wipe her nose.
Ellie stuck with it for a while, writing in it, scooping it into dishes and squishing it between her fingers.
Thursday's activity was: rough housing. Ellie really wanted to go outside and it was another warm (for January in Minnesota) day so that's what we did. Since it was warm out the snow stuck together wonderfully. First we made a snowman, which was knocked over quickly by bulldozer Will. Then we got into rough housing and had a snowball fight! I didn't bring the camera out for this one because it is easier to participate when you are not holding a camera worried about it getting hit with a snowball. We had a lot of fun!
Today we took another field trip with friends, this time to the zoo. The kids had a great time looking at the animals and playing in the "Beehive" which is the play room for toddlers and preschoolers.
Will started doing something that his big sister Addy has enjoyed doing for quite a while, collecting leaves. It took us a while to get through the end of the Tropics Trail because he was constantly stopping to pick up leaves.
I love these - shaving cream such a great idea! I may add that to my activities :) I will start again on Monday. I'm sorry for slacking - feeling much better now :)