Yesterday's activity was: play kitchen. All three of my kids like to help cook and pretend to cook, but Addy is my little chef. She loves watching cooking shows and loves pretending to cook (in fact, I will be doing a scrapbook layout about this very soon) so I knew she would be excited about this.
We started by doing some actual cooking. First the girls and I put together some bars for me to bring to book club last night (they turned out great!).
Then Will woke up from his nap so he got in on the next task: making instant pudding. This is the first time Will has helped with cooking and he LOVED it. I had to pry the whisk and bowl out of his hand when we were done.
Finally, we pulled out the play kitchen toys and cooked some chicken, hamburgers, and salad.
Today's activity was: water play. My kids, who love sensory play, were in heaven! I filled up a big plastic container with water in the bath tub and then carefully carried it to the kitchen where I had laid out a couple of bath towels. We had a bit of bubble bath left in a bottle that I dumped into the water for some bubbles. I also added a bit of food coloring. We grabbed all of the cups and bottles that the kids use as toys during their baths (they play way more with these than any purchased toys). We did some comparing and estimation by taking different sized containers and deciding how many of the smaller one it would take to fill the larger one and then actually doing it.
Then I took a handful of suds and blew it out of my hands. Will thought it was hilarious and kept giggling; deep, awesome belly laughs. The girls decided to get in on the fun and we were all laughing!
I love this! I am so encouraged by you and your enthusiasm! Thank you for journeying with me :)