5/16 Ellie helping to make pizza for dinner.

5/17 Will figured out how to sit up and crawl around his crib this week. This has meant that he gets up and then doesn't lay back down when he falls asleep. This was the first of several times I found him sleeping like this. Looks comfortable, right?

5/18 Uh oh, a fairy lost her wings! Or she just forgot to pick them up after she was done flying...

5/19 I gave Will's hair a trim because the top was getting pretty long. I set him up in the high chair with some crackers and toys. I also set up the camera on the tripod and gave the girls the remote so I would have pictures of his first haircut. So, what do you get when you give the camera remote to two little girls? 120 pictures and about a dozen of them that look like this...

Here is a picture of Will's hair post-cut

5/20 Will and our friend Annie checking out the tiger at the zoo. It was kind of rainy and there were TONS of school groups at the zoo, but we still had fun!

5/21 Addy working on some scrapbooking. Don't worry, that is an extra picture that she is cutting in half!

5/22 Ellie and her friend Kiera sharing secrets at Wally and Darlene's 50th Anniversary party. These two girls have so much fun together! It is amazing how they will go months without seeing each other but are the best of friends within minutes!

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