We celebrated Will's first birthday this week! I can't believe he is that old already! It was a hot and sticky week weather wise, but we did get out to enjoy the summer.
7/4 Will meeting some baby pigs on Grandpa and Grandma's farm. He was not afraid at all! He stuck his finger in a baby pigs mouth and even wanted to pet one of the sows!

7/5 Addy showing off a leaf she found in the yard.

7/6 Today I started TEAM Fitness. It is basically a class that meets 3 times per week with a trainer to work out and we are held accountable to one another for getting 3 cardio workouts and 2 strength training workouts per week. Part of the program is also keeping a "food journal." I think that is the thing I will benefit from most because it has made me pay attention to what I am eating and make better choices.

7/7 After lunch and watching the magician at a local park, the kids played in the water features there. It was a hot day and they had a great time cooling off!

7/8 Will's first birthday card! After oohing and ahing over it and putting it right up to his face he set it down and started clapping. He was pretty excited!

7/9 Will's birthday cake

7/10 Will loved when we lit the candle on his cake. So much, in fact, that he cried when his sister blew it out! He was happy again when we gave him some cake to eat, shoving it in his mouth as fast as he could!

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