6/20 The girls visiting the goats at the zoo.

6/21 One of the pansies in the pots on our front step

6/22 The swimming stuff is all together and waiting to be packed!

6/23 How can you say 'no' to that face?

6/24 How do you keep a very busy 11-month-old occupied while working in the kitchen? Give him metal bowls and a spoon. It is very noisy, but he wasn't climbing on my legs once!

6/25 The pool! This was the first day of our vacation. The kids had fun playing in the pool at the resort we stayed at. Here's Addy splashing in the 6" deep kiddie pool.

6/26 We spent the morning at Noah's Ark. Addy wasn't a big fan of the slides, but had fun splashing in the water. It took Ellie a little while, but she eventually had a lot of fun going down some of the slides with Mom or Dad. Here is Ellie checking out the periscope in the submarine in one of several little kid areas around the park.

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