4/11 Back at the zoo. The aquarium on the Tropics Trail may be my new favorite photo spot. This is our friend Max, completely enamored with the diver in the aquarium.

4/12 Will is 9 months old! Here is a picture from the shoot I did of him.

4/13 Ellie decorating a rock. She has a nature craft book and this was one of the projects. (Actually the project was to make animals, but that is kind of advanced so I just let the girls color on them.

4/14 Today the girls made paper snakes. Here's Ellie teasing Will with hers.

4/15 Will eating peas. We a trying to get him to eat more finger foods. He is good at cereal and crackers, but other foods seem to be more of a challenge.

4/16 We went mini golfing at the black light course in the local mall. The girls had a blast hitting their balls around.

4/17 We celebrated Easter with my family. Here's Addy blowing bubbles with my aunt Karen.

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