I had two events this past weekend that called for cards. The first was the Baptism of my nephew (as well as my son). For this card I used the
Card Challenge at Challenge Masters for inspiration. The challenge was to use ribbon in a unique way. I decided to fill in my cross with the ribbon and fray the ends to fill out where the stamp spread out.

Next I made a baby shower card for a friend whose baby shower was on Sunday. Unfortunately, I was unable to be at the shower (because of the aforementioned Baptisms) but I still had a gift for her. I have had this pink "Congratulations" paper for quite a while and thought this was the perfect opportunity to use it. I also used my Cricut and the "New Arrival" cartridge for the cute little dress.

Finally, I have decided to do my own Project 365. The idea is to take a photo every day to document a year in your life. I decided to start last Monday, my 28th birthday. With all that I have going on right now, I thought it would be a good way to document those not-so-significant, but still important, moments and snippets of my life. My other, less important goal, is to work on my photography skills and learn how to use our camera to its fullest. So, here are my photos for my first week:

8/16 My daughter licking the beater after we made my birthday cake.

8/17 Cloth diapers hanging on the clothes line

8/18 My little boy taking a bath with help from his sisters

8/19 My girls playing "Ring Around the Rosie" with friends during a play date

8/20 Angela making burgers for Girls Weekend

8/21 My daughter and nephew doing laps through my in-laws house

8/22 Family socializing after the Baptisms

I didn't take this photo, but it is too beautiful not to share. That is my handsome little boy in his Baptism suit.