Monday's activity was: go on a hunt. I used some robot blocks as our item to hunt for. I started by having the kids hang out in one of the bedrooms while I hid the robots around the living room and dining room. I tried to hide some in more obvious places than others so Will could have a chance to find some. He did find a couple, with help, but I'm not sure he really understood the concept and he lost interest quickly. After they found all of the robots, Addy, and then Ellie took turns hiding the robots.
The girls really had fun with this. For the last couple of rounds, I was working on dinner and the girls were just playing so they weren't keeping track of how many robots were hidden so they were all found and we were finding robots in random spots for a few days. :)
On Tuesday, our activity was play with junk. I cleaned out the kids' sock drawers that morning and recalled that when I was a nanny about 10 years ago, I had done a project with the kids where we made snakes out of old pantyhose. I had several pairs of tights from the girls' drawers that were stained and pilly so I decided to do this project. The kids stuffed their snakes with mismatched socks and an old magazine. Once the snakes were stuffed, I tied a knot in the end and the kids decorated them with felt scraps.
If you are interested in doing this with your kids and need some tights, let me know. I had a few extra pairs of tights and would happily get them to you!
Finally, on Wednesday, we did small world play. I had heard about using masking to make roads on the carpet a while back and I used this opportunity to try it out. We got out some toy cars and animals and drove around on the roads and did a little problem solving when there was an animal blocking the road.
I think the kids had the most fun, however, when we pulled up the tape and they played with the balls of tape!
So cute! My kids love love love the masking tape roads! I'm feeling better but still struggling with cold symptoms and trying to breathe :) Thanks for joining me on this journey! It has been great fun!!