
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 6-8-14

I have my photos ready to go again this week.  It was the last week of school and the weather was amazing!

Denim (or lack thereof)
I guess we don't wear a lot of denim around here.  I went back a few weeks and couldn't find a photo of anyone in denim!  The closest we have is the khaki skirt my oldest is wearing below as part of her school uniform.  This photo is from the last day of school.  I am also participating in the Photo Connections class at Big Picture classes and one of our assignments was to take a photo of a group and have them get close to form some visual connections.  

We went to the zoo on Wednesday.  The radiated tortoises were eating some breakfast when we walked by.

This female grey wolf was laying under some trees.  She happened to lay with one eye in the spot of light, and I caught it!  I love how it accentuatess the color of her eye.

There is a splash pad at the zoo.  We brought the swimsuits and the kids had a blast playing in the water.  I took this shot of my youngest as he was on the other side of the splash pad area.

We celebrated Father's Day a week early because we will be spending the actual day of Father's Day with friends.  Here my oldest is watching my husband read what she had written about him at school.


  1. I love your denim shot, you can tell they are a close knit group of kids. Your "watch" shot is priceless. You can tell that father and daughter really love each other.

  2. How lucky you caught the capture for light. I just adore it. You and I are in the same no denim boat, too funny.

  3. Very wonderful round up. Your daughters expression watching her dad is priceless.


  4. Great photos with your children. I'd like to watch the turtles eating all those veggies!
