
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 6-1-14

Wow, can you believe it is June already?!  The weather has finally turned warm here, I even let my husband turn on the AC today. ;)  We have all been enjoying the weather! Great weather means lots of opportunities to take photos for the scavenger hunt!

Make Mine a... Beach!
We had a playdate at a local park this past week.  They had a "story walk" that had a photograph of each letter of the alphabet made out of something in nature and then some more information about that thing.  At the end of the walk was a lake and a beach.  My kids had a blast playing in the sand and water.  My 3 1/2- year-old spent the majority of his time digging and moving sand.

Ugh, my youngest... he is crazy!  I was cleaning the floors last weekend and he saw it as an opportunity to practice his gymnastics skills!  He flipped over that bar on his high chair about a dozen times before he got sick of it.

Morning Ritual
Ah, my darling youngest... again.  I spend a good part of every morning before we take my oldest to school trying to convince my 3 1/2-year-old to 1) finish his breakfast and 2) clean up his dishes.  I was not persistent enough this day and Mr. Pickles (his nickname) found it and finished the yogurt and made a lovely mess.

What Were They Thinking?
This is another shot from the park playdate.  I KNEW there was a beach at this park, but I didn't pack any swim clothes.  My 2nd oldest (in the front) had a very wet skirt by the time it was time to go home...

What's in Your... Backpack?
I am testing this baby carrier for a local market research company.  I used it for our "story walk" to keep my always adventurous youngest contained.  He seemed to enjoy it, even though he doesn't look too thrilled here.


  1. If you got a beach and water, who needs a swimsuit. Kids will improvise. They don't need the proper attire to enjoy the adventure. Nice set of images for the prompts.

  2. Haha I love the quirky shot. Your kids are adorable.

  3. You are fortunate to have such lively active kids. And I love your candid shots.

  4. What a fun bunch of kiddos. I enjoyed your hunt shots very much. I think my favorite was the Quirky and the What Were they Thinking shots.

  5. I second the comments about quirky! and what were they thinking! I think my girls would have been drenched head to toe by the end of the day! will enjoy visiting your blog again to see what your kids are up to...
