
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 5-25-14

Happy Sunday everyone!  I hope you are having a great weekend!  The weather has been fabulous her (finally!).  I am back with my photos for the scavenger hunt this week.

Favorite Place
This one is from our cruise.  This is my favorite photo from the whole trip.  It was taken on the beach in Barbados.  Barbados was my favorite stop on our cruise.  We didn't spend a ton of time on the actual island, but in the waters around it.  The water there was so clear and so blue!  

My husband bought me flowers for Mother's Day a couple of weeks ago and they still looked good through most of this week.

Where I Stand
My younger daughter had her end of the year program earlier this week at our church.  I was sitting when I took this photo, but this was my view from "where I sat" looking down the pew at my family.

Something New
The zoo near us has a giant bug exhibit going on this summer.  Since we are members, we got to go to a preview event Thursday night and check it out.  They were pretty cool.  There are giant, larger than life, robotic bugs, as well as some big real bugs from around the world on exhibit.

As I said, the big bugs are robotic, and this one had controls that the kids could maneuver.  You can't see the control board, but that is what my kids are standing in front of.


  1. First off, I love the name of your blog "Create and Share" and "The Cutest Blog on the Block" I'm intrigued by scrapbooking although guys are not supposed to scrapbook are they? I see lots of parallels.

    Second, that favorite place photo of yours makes me want to go book a cruise. That is outstanding. I hope that you have a framed print of it somewhere in your house. And your flowers and bugs are great as is the young man standing up in church.

    Perfect post!

  2. Well I can see why Barbados would be a favorite place. That looks like such a peaceful place and so pretty.
    The flowers were just beautiful as well and what a sweet photo of your family.
    Oh goodness those huge bugs are so cool looking. I would so love seeing that and I know my granddaughter would love them too.
