
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 4-20-14

Happy Easter to you all!  We are spending the day celebrating with family, but I had a bit of time this morning to put together a scavenger hunt post!  Again, several of my photos are from our cruise about a month ago, mixed with a couple of photos for the last week or so.

Our trip to the park last week was the first one since my youngest has been able to walk (he started in December) and he had a blast climbing and walking around the play structure.  He spent the majority of the time giving me a heart attack by taking off towards the top of ladders and slides.  His favorite "trick" was going down the slides, face first.  Here he is, getting ready.

Selective Color
This is another photo from the butterfly garden we visited.  This butterfly landed on an orange that was resting on a platform.  Since the background wasn't anything special, I decided to try selective color to accentuate the butterfly.

Close Up
This is the flower of the Cannonball tree.  We saw this at the botanical gardens in Dominica.

My husband and my son sleeping.  My son looks so much like his dad, sometimes it seems they are mirror images (with a 28 year age difference).

Bright Colors
Here is a shot from one of the streets of San Juan.  The building in Puerto Rico, as well as the other islands we visited, we so vibrant and beautiful!


  1. All are great photos but I like the butterfly best of all. Nice job.

  2. Wonderful set. Your little one looks very cute on the slide. I bet that would give you a bit of a scare, but they seem to show no fear at that age.
    Selective Color, Awesome. You really showed off that gorgeous butterfly.
    Close-Up - What an unusual but pretty flower.
    Mirror - Great take, they do look very much alike.
    Bright Colors, I'm always fascinated by building in other countries because they do tend to be more colorful then those in the US (We may be more reserved) when it comes to that.

  3. Nice shots for the hunt. Love the selective color. It's perfect for that photo!
