
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 4-21-13

We had a pretty busy week!  We had baptism on Sunday and a couple of outings to the aquarium and the zoo during the week.  Lots of opportunities for photos...

I took Will on our "date" for the month.  (My husband and I take turns going out on dates with each of the 3 older children so that they get some one-on-one time with one of us each month.)  We went to the aquarium.  You can walk through a large part of the aquarium in tunnels that run through the water.  Here he is in one of the tunnels looking at fish or sharks swimming overhead.

Spring in Black and White
How about just white?  Yep, another week, another snowstorm.  The good news is that a good part of the ~8 inches we received on Thursday into Friday has already melted.  Now we just hope it stays gone!

Faith or Family
How about both?  I did a little happy dance when I saw this prompt last week because I knew this one would be a piece of cake.  I didn't take this photo (obviously since I am in it), but it fits the bill.

My parents puppy Pixie.  Today was the first time my kids have met her.  Both of the girls are pretty afraid of dogs, but Will was at least willing to give her a treat from his hand (with some assistance from Grandpa).

Gathering or Provide
I went with gathering for this one.  As in a gathering of fish.  This one is from the aquarium as well.  I thought these fish were kind of eerie, just floating in a big group like this.


  1. Aw that Christening one is so lovely! A nice set of photos :)x

  2. Congratulations on the Christening!

  3. Nice photos...I love that you have dates with your children...this is something they will always remember!

  4. Wonderful series - love them all!

  5. What a beautiful photo of the Christening! I am sorry about your snow, but glad it melts quickly. It IS a beautiful photo though!

  6. I tried to figure out where you live... could you send some of that snow to California? our hills are already starting to "brown" --- I fear we may have some challenges with fires this coming summer.
    Loved your snow shots & the expression on your son's face as he was feeding the puppy.

  7. Well that "White" stuff worked for you spring in BW - so many with snow still. I'm thankful we've just had rain and some cold temps.
    Loved your Faith shot and the Gathering, cool looking fish.
