
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Photo Scavenger Hunt 3-25-12

This week's scavenger hunt was an exercise in missed opportunities. I forgot to bring or use my camera on a couple of occasions that would have been perfect for the prompts. It is a good reminder of why I am doing this though, because I have clearly gotten out of the habit of taking photos. Here are my interpretations of the prompts:

The girls were in their dress up fairy and princess clothes earlier this week and they (and Will) were happy to pose for me.

Here is my first missed opportunity. I had a Card Making Day at my house as a chance for my friends to help me make cards for Operation Write Home. I even had my camera upstairs, but I totally forgot to take any photos. So a photo of the final product (51 cards!) will have to do...

I dusted earlier this week (I don't do it often, it is not my favorite chore) and as I was doing it, I kept thinking, "I should take a picture first." Well, I didn't so we'll have to go with chalk dust for this one and this photo of the kids doing one of their favorite outdoor activities: outlining one another with chalk in the driveway.

Seed or Sprout
Last week nothing was growing in my flowerbeds. This week, I have daffodils and tulips all over the place! Here are a couple of daffodils.

Swing or Drop
I took the kids to open gym at a local gym on Friday and FORGOT MY CAMERA. So many opportunities for this prompt. Oh well, we'll have to go with this photo, Ellie "dropping" bubbles into the puddle and Will popping them.


  1. I know what you mean about missed opportunities, but at least you got some pictures! I like the chalk dust and create!

  2. That first shot is so cute - love it!
