
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Layout Tag

I participated in a Layout Tag/ Chinese Whispers last month on the Club CK message board. The idea is that the first person uses a sketch to create a layout, then passes on their layout to the next person on the list, they make a layout using the previous person's layout as inspiration and then pass their layout on as inspiration, and so on. This time I was the 4th person in a 5 person chain. Here is my layout:

You can see the whole chain here. The original sketch featured a large circle element, but the person before me had eliminated it. I unknowingly added it back in when I decided to use the large sun paper. I initially didn't have it as part of my design, but upon remembering I had it, added it to the layout because I felt that the colors and shape fit the colors and theme of my page.

In other news, my "Chef Addy" layout is one of several layouts featured today on Practical Scrappers featuring "A Touch of Black."

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