
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

30 Days of Hands on Play Challenge: Day 1

A couple of blogs teamed up in November to create this challenge. Elizabeth from Broken Treasures blogged about it the other day and it sounds like a great idea! The goal is to spend at least 15 minutes each day in focused play with your children. I would like to think that I do this, but I know I don't. When I first read about it, I knew I wanted to do it, but I didn't know if I wanted to blog about it. But, after some consideration, I have decided to blog about it because it will hold me accountable and I respond to accountability.

So for today's Challenge:

Take mental note, or jot down, a simple mission statement of how you'd like to become more hands on with your kids.

Also, take time to learn about your kids in this process.
Jot down a few ideas of what your kids are interested in.
[Maybe also include what they're not interested in, or their general behaviors.]
This will come in handy for the upcoming challenges.
Its best to use their interests to maximize their involvement.

Mission Statement:
To spend more time focusing on playing with and interacting with my children, getting to know their interests and how they see the world. I would like to make a habit out of spending time each day focused only on playing with them.


Ellie- dolls, princesses, fairies, drawing, coloring, being artistic, letters, books, games

Addy- dolls, cooking, what her sister is doing, coloring, getting messy, books

Will- cars, trucks, animals, books, what everyone else is doing, getting messy

Tomorrow will be our first play challenge, I'm excited to see how it goes!


  1. So excited to do this with you! :)

  2. Yay! Glad you're doing it together with Elizabeth! That'll be fun to support each other! I'm seriously beaming right now! So excited!
