
Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Little Gnomes

I haven't been doing a lot of scrapbooking lately because I was working on Halloween costumes for my girls. When the costumes were put out on the shelves at Target, I spotted this one and asked Addy if she wanted to be a gnome for Halloween. She immediately agreed. I thought I could make a costume for less than the $20 price tag on this one, so we took a trip to JoAnn's and bought the supplies- green and pink felt, green and pink thread (the most expensive part!), some elastic, Stitch Witchery, and ribbon. We also hit the thrift store in search of some plaid shirts. I couldn't find long sleeved ones, but I figured they could wear a long sleeved t-shirt under these if it is cold. I spent a couple of nap times sewing and then using the Stitch Witchery and an iron to attach the flowers. I couldn't find suspenders so I just used some ribbon and safety pins to make theirs. Here are the costumes:

I should mention I didn't use a pattern for the skirts or hats, I did a Google search and was able to find directions on how to make both- for FREE! I found the directions for the skirt here and the directions for the hat here.

1 comment:

  1. OMG those are adorable!!!!!!!!!! Great job!! I so need to learn to sew!
