
Monday, August 15, 2011

Project 365 Week 52: COMPLETE!!!

I am here with my final 8 photos! I made it, and I only missed a few days over the course of the year. I also learned a lot about using our camera, and I think my photography skills have improved some (although I still have plenty to learn!).

8/8 All three kids getting along (if only for a moment). The girls are taking turns putting together a puzzle on my phone while Will watches.

8/9 Karen, Lily and Sara at "Book Club." We weren't actually discussing a book this week, just hanging out and celebrating completing another book!

8/10 The kids moving from one part of the park to another. No, Will is not walking yet. He is close and has taken a few steps, but not walking yet. This is a perfect illustration of why I WANT him to walk, it would be so much neater!!

8/11 Ellie's prayer banner from VBS. She did lots of fun crafts over the course of the week.

8/12 Ellie playing with the parachute during games at VBS.

8/13 Will saying "Hi!" to a chicken at the county fair. He loved all the animals, and he is not afraid of them!

8/14 This is the front yard at my in-laws. Doesn't it make you want to grab a chair and a lemonade and just relax?

8/15 Addy with our garden's bounty of vegetables from today. The girls ate quite a few of those vegetables before they even made it in the house!

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