
Monday, December 6, 2010

Project 365 Week 16

This week we set up the Christmas decorations and have really started getting ready for Christmas. We even celebrated with part of my family.

11/29 Addy and Rick shaking the knots out of the lights

11/30 Will playing with his toy laptop- he loves that thing!

12/1 Ellie and Addy looking at the American Girl catalog

12/2 We made candy cane reindeer, here is Ellie with one of hers

12/3 Our Christmas tree lit up with the snow covered trees outside in the background

12/4 Rick's parents gave us money to buy the kids a Little People Nativity. Here is Ellie playing with it

12/5 My siblings, cousins and I went together to get our grandma a Cricut for Christmas. This is her opening the gift. She was so surprised and excited! It truly is better to give than to receive!

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