
Monday, November 22, 2010

Project 365 Week 14

Not a lot of excitement this week, we just took it easy before the craziness of the holidays sets in! Here are some pictures of us "just hanging out."

11/15 Addy hoarding the balls at open gym

11/16 Have you ever wondered what those HUGE Christmas trees at the Mall of America look like before they are decorated? Well, this is it!

11/17 Rick and Will- see any resemblance?

11/18 Will fell asleep playing in the high chair while we ate dinner

11/19 Addy eating raspberries- she loves to put them on each of her fingers and then eat them off one by one

11/20 Ellie playing in the tub

11/21 Family picture- this may go on our Christmas card

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I love all of these pictures! I always wanted our kids to be able to fall asleep wherever they were, that's hilarious. And what a perfect family picture- everyone looks great and is looking at the camera, what more could you ask for?
